Background Check & Pre / Post-Employment Verification

Spartan Detective Agency Background Check & post-employment verification service provides clients with a comprehensive assessment of their existing employees to reduce the risk of internal fraud. Many clients have opted for this service as their organization’s standard operating procedure.

These verification’s are vital to uncover:
Missing pieces of information about employees that were left out during pre-employment verifications due to human error or unavailability of information
Reasons behind an employee’s poor performance or attitude towards work
Verification of previous employment
Deserving employees who should be given an opportunity to grow
Employee’s involvement in anti-management activities or pilferage / theft
Employee’s intention to violate non-compete agreements
Any information regarding employee’s involvement in ongoing industrial and labour court cases against the organization

Our Services :

Employment Background Checks: Hiring the right candidate is crucial for the success of any business. Our employment background checks help you verify the credentials, employment history, criminal record, and other relevant information of potential hires, ensuring that you make informed hiring decisions.

Tenant Screening: As a landlord or property manager, it's important to rent your property to trustworthy tenants. Our tenant screening services help you assess the background of prospective tenants, including their rental history, creditworthiness, and criminal background, minimizing the risk of rental disputes and property damage.

Due Diligence Investigations: Whether you're entering into a business partnership or considering an investment, conducting due diligence is essential for mitigating risks. Our due diligence investigations provide you with comprehensive insights into the background, reputation, financial standing, and legal history of individuals and businesses, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Matrimonial Background Checks: Before embarking on a lifelong commitment, it's crucial to ensure that your partner is trustworthy and transparent. Our matrimonial background checks help you verify the personal, professional, and financial background of your potential spouse, enabling you to enter into marriage with confidence.

Asset Searches: Whether you're involved in litigation, divorce proceedings, or debt recovery, knowing the assets and liabilities of individuals or entities is vital for achieving your objectives. Our asset search services help you identify and locate assets, including real estate, bank accounts, vehicles, and more, facilitating informed decision-making and asset recovery efforts.

Don't leave important decisions to chance. Partner with Spartan Detective Agency and gain access to the comprehensive background check services you need to make informed decisions with confidence. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in achieving your objectives. Trust Spartan Detective Agency, your trusted partner in background checks in Chennai.